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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Goal Setting

Yesterday I tried a new spin on goal setting with my class, and it worked GREAT!  I could sense the need to change things up a little with spring fever going strong so I did a mini-lesson on goals.  We then decided to set a daily goal based on something we could do in class. Most of the kids chose a behavior goal, but some chose learning goals also.  I gave them a quick 3-5 minutes to write their goal, and they turned them into me.  If they felt comfortable I read them, and I told them that at the end of the day we would revisit them and see if we met our goals (I wrote one too).  I also told them that I would pick a few randomly at the end of the day out of the pile, and if those people met their goals then I would reward them with a raffle ticket for our school behavior plan.  I was so impressed with their goals. Below are a few of them:

During the day, it was AWESOME because they kept reminding each other to keep working on their goal.  Even my student on a behavior contract met his goal (this was way more motivating to him than anything else I've tried this year...go figure!).  A the end of the day, they reflected on how they did.  The added benefit was that at the end of the day the reflection put a calm spin on a rushed Friday afternoon.  I loved this activity so much. I'm definitely going to try it again on Monday!


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