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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Growth Mindset in First Grade--writing goals

This year I'm fortunate to be at  a school that has high academic expectations, but also looks at positive habits of mind to grow and develop as a person.  I'm also blessed to have an amazing class that is open, willing, and has learned this year to be okay with productive struggle and not being perfect.  It's been a hard road for a couple of them, who resisted at first (crying on the floor and the like ;).  Luckily, I make my fair share of mistakes in front of them!  I've been open and honest about mistakes and let them know that mistakes can help us grow.  Moreover we all make mistakes!

On Pinterest last year I saw a ton of awesome writing goal displays and I tried a few with my last year's class.  It never really took hold because the goals changed faster than I could create a new chart.  This year I came up with the display in the picture.  I'm sure there's other ways that are just as good, but this is working for us now.  I just change the post-it notes as we change goals.  I think little clips would work too, but I eventually want to have the kids write their own goals so I may stick with post its.  The only downside is falling post its (maybe I'll try the kind that restick?"  I wrote them the first round, but I already have some kids wanting to change their goals a week into it (the ones that had quicker fixes like printing size).  I'm having them show me the evidence though with writing samples in their WOW journals (Work on Writing). I can't decide on how many samples I'm going to require them to switch the goal up...any thoughts?

If interested in the goal chart I'm offering it as a FREEBIE on my TPT store:

Please consider following me on TPT to get first notice of any flash freebies, new products, and sales:)


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