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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Using an Interactive Writing Notebook

I couldn't believe I caught this as I was filming to try to capture good examples of Daily 5 time so we could review and discuss.  Student talk was getting a little loud (I'm sure you can clearly hear the background ;)  Students were working on Daily 5 and this little angel was doing working on writing using her Interactive notebook.  As I walked by I heard her discussing her need for a narrative transition for a story she was composing.  Since the notebook is color coded she went right to the section she needed and thumbed through the pages until she found a mini-chart on transitions.  She even thanked her notebook.  I couldn't have wished for a better reason to use this interactive notebook than my sweet little student showing her appreciation for it;)

I loved the idea when I saw them in a second grade classroom so I created one using my writing program.  We've learned a lot using them.  Here are some tips that I've learned:

  1. First and foremost:  USE WHITE GLUE (not a glue stick).  Unfortunately I learned the hard way and we've had to back track and reinforce a lot.  
  2.  Also if possible color code each text type.  I copied each resource page in the color of the text type (for example any opinion page I copied in blue paper).  I tabbed spiral notebooks with each color code too, which was super easy for my kids.  One of my teammates uses a binder and loves it though.
  3. Don't underestimate the power of the cut and paste pieces.  These have been so valuable for my kids, especially when they collaborate.  A lot of rich dialogue has gone into debating whether something is an opinion statement or an introduction.
  4. Model how to use the notebook.  
I just started individual writing goals for my students and I'll be adding them to the notebook as well.  If interested in the notebook see the link below:
I am constantly adding to the notebook (I've already added 55 pages and I'm going to add goals too) so if you buy it I'll send updates for free as I add them.  I'm teaching using it this year for the first time so I am finding new things all the time to create.


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