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Sunday, January 25, 2015

A week in the life of our class...

Showing earth's revolution and rotation in first grade
 We've had a couple of busy weeks!  Here are some pics of some of the fun we've had learning.  I've also attached a sample lesson plans so that you can see how it all fits.  I love the Discover about rotation and revolution with the TPR activity to the right.  Earth's Place in the Universe is one of the first Next Generation Science Units we've worked on this year and we are still going strong.  The kids love learning about why we have day and night and  seasons.  Below is a link for the unit...

We've also been revisiting favorite stories and discussing central message, one of our CCSS Reading Literature Standards and an important concept for kids to start thinking about.  We noticed how many books have multiple messages!  Great conversation starters.
central message in first grade

 narrative input chart for Happy Birthday Moon

 We also started our literature study of Happy Birthday Moon.  We are connecting this with our study of earth, moon, and space patterns.  This is a retell chart that is located in the unit. I use this chart to retell the story with the kids, highlight story elements, and focus on vocabulary.  It is also great as we read through and choral read the story.
graphing in first grade
 We are finishing up our measurement unit. Our class is using Engage New York/Eureka.  We had a blast with a Christmas Measurement unit before break and then we focused on graphing data.  The kids had a fantastic time surveying classmates and creating data information packets with graphs and questions.  I broke it down super simply for them so that they could feel successful and they LOVED it! (I'm getting it ready for a unit that's not quite ready...)
math wall first grade

Our math wall is to the right and below.  I'm blessed with a lovely room!

graphing and data anchor charts first grade

Earth's place in the universe craftivity

The picture to the right shows our orbits that we made with brads and the masters from the Earth's Place in the Universe unit.  We had a blast!

Finally, below are the lesson plans that went with these activities and more.  I'm offering them as a freebie on TPT. The link is below.
lesson plan freebie
